Thursday, March 01, 2007

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii

A busy 48 hours whilst we based ourselves in Honolulu, in fact Waikiki, the home of surfing and its icon, Duke, and we had quite a few drinks in his Canoe Club Bar, but also took in a tour of Pearl Harbour. And of course a Blue Hawaii Cocktail... and just look ....Elvis is well and performing there (mmmm... not really - but an excellent tribute evening).

Waikiki Beach

Pearl Harbour

Doug is holding the Hawaii flag... take a close look it has a Union Jack in the corner! The Arizona Memorial, USS Arizona being one of several ships sunk at the Pearl Harbour bombing - and as hundreds of the marines bodies could not be recovered, this is a war grave. Also USS Missouri, which is the ship on which the Japanese Surrender ended WWII.

The remains of Arizona...

USS Missouri and some of her guns

The plaque which commemorates the signing of the Surrender.

Diane gets a Blue Hawaii Cocktail and we are entertained royally by "Elvis".

Hawaii was a really pleasant surprise.... we had no major expectations , but we really enjoyed the two very different destinations - and would thoroughly recommend either - actually both!