Sunday, December 03, 2006


Bangkok was very, very hot and humid as expected. Thank you everyone who warned us! Stayed at a really good local 3* hotel, the Bossotel, which we would highly recommend. Central, good very reasonably priced accommodation and food. Staff couldn't be more helpful.

Decided because it was so hot to hire a car (with air conditioning) and driver to see the main temples and monuments.

First stop - Wat Po
This is famous for the Reclining Buddah - which is 35 metres long and about 10 metres high. Difficult to get in one photo! We were shown round by an ex monk, Mr Yos, who shared the same birthday as Doug - 6th Feb - but 1957, not 47! The temple is also famous because it has thousands of Buddahs from around the world. Some are a thousand years old.

Diane had her palm read ... it seems I have three sons, one husband and that I should be around till I am 88 if I give up the booze!

Just a few of the thousands of Buddahs

Just a head shot of the Reclining Buddah

A couple of general shots of the various buildings within Wat Po